Release Apache 3.8.0

admin 55 2025-01-17 编辑

Release Apache  3.8.0

We are glad to present Apache 3.8.0 with exciting new features, bug fixes, and other improvements to user experiences.

This new release adds a number of new features, including the support for JWE decryption, brotli compression, multiple authentication methods on routes and services, required scopes in openid-connect plugin, and more.

New Features​

Support decrypting JWE in requests using jwe-decrypt plugin​

Support the decryption of JWE authorization headers in requests with the new jwe-decrypt plugin.

The plugin creates an internal endpoint //plugin/jwe/encrypt for JWE encryption, which can be exposed using the public-api plugin. You will also configure the decryption key in Consumers.

For more information, see PR #10252 and plugin documentation.

Support multiple authentication methods on routes and services​

Support multiple authentication methods on routes and services with the new multi-auth plugin. The plugin iterates through the list of authentication plugins configured in the auth_plugins attribute. It allows consumers using different authentication methods to share the same route or service.

For example, you can have one consumer using basic authentication:

curl -X PUT \  -H "X-API-KEY: ${ADMIN_API_KEY}" \  -d '{    "username": "consumer1",    "plugins": {      "basic-auth": {        "username": "consumer1",        "password": "consumer1_pwd"      }    }  }'

And another consumer using key authentication:

curl -X PUT \  -H "X-API-KEY: ${ADMIN_API_KEY}" \  -d '{    "username": "consumer2",    "plugins": {      "key-auth": {        "key": "consumer2_s3cr3t"      }    }  }'

Both consumers can access the route below upon successful authentication using their respective authentication method:

curl -X PUT \  -H "X-API-KEY: ${ADMIN_API_KEY}" \  -d '{    "methods": ["GET"],    "uri": "/get",    "plugins": {      "multi-auth":{        "auth_plugins":[          {            "basic-auth":{ }          },          {            "key-auth":{              "query":"apikey",              "hide_credentials":true,              "header":"apikey"             }          }        ]      }    },    "upstream": {      "type": "roundrobin",      "nodes": {        "": 1      }    }  }'

For more information, see PR #10482 and plugin documentation.

Support the use of filters.regex with compressed data in response-rewrite plugin​

Support the use of filters.regex with brotli and gzip compressed data in response-rewrite plugin.

For more information, see PR #10588 and PR #10637.

Support specifying the required scopes in openid-connect plugin​

Support specifying the required scopes in openid-connect plugin in the required_scopes attribute. When configured, the plugin will check if all required scopes are present in the scopes returned by the introspection endpoint.

For more information, see PR #10493.

Support Timing-Allow-Origin header in cors plugin​

New attributes timing_allow_origins and timing_allow_origins_by_regex are available in the cors plugin to support selective viewing of timing by origin.

For more information, see PR #9365.

Support brotli compression algorithm​

Support brotli compression algorithm in the new brotli plugin, which dynamically sets the behavior of brotli in NGINX. Before using the plugin, you should first build and install brotli shared libraries.

For more information, see PR #10515 and plugin documentation.

Expand capability of parameter parsing in body-transformer plugin​

Support parsing parameters from POST requests of application/x-www-form-urlencoded content type and URI parameters from GET requests in body-transformer plugin.

For more information, see PR #10496.

Support the use of variables for sensitive information in limit-count plugin attributes​

Support the use of variables for sensitive information in limit-count plugin attributes. For example, you could save redis_password to an environment variable and configure the value in the plugin as $ENV://REDIS_PASSWORD.

For more information, see PR #10597.

Other Updates​

  • Improve performance with lua-resty-events module (PR #10550 and PR #10558)
  • Upgrade OpenSSL 1.1.1 to OpenSSL 3 (PR #10724)
  • Reduce the required number of redis_cluster_nodes from 2 to 1 in limit-count plugin (PR #10612)
  • Allow port to be an optional field when upstream nodes are of array type (PR #10477)
  • Fix counter sharing among consumers when using the limit-count plugin (PR #10540)
  • Add redirect_after_logout_uri attribute for openid-connect plugin, used when end_session_endpoint is not provided (PR #10653)
  • Fix counter sharing among consumers when using the limit-count plugin (PR #10540)
  • Fix forward-auth plugin 403 error when POST request body is too large (PR #10589)


For a complete list of changes in this release, please see CHANGELOG.

Release Apache 3.8.0

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