Webinar| Apache Ingress Community Meeting

admin 57 2025-01-13 编辑

Webinar| Apache  Ingress Community Meeting

With the release of Apache Ingress Controller version 1.0, more and more developers have started to pay attention to the Apache Ingress solution. The Apache community hopes to establish a more direct communication channel with users and developers in the community to help them understand the development direction and development plans of Apache Ingress. We hope that every user and developer's voice will be heard. Therefore, the Apache community has started to organize bi-weekly online community meetings.

Meeting Schedule​

Every two weeks (Wednesdays) at 2pm, each meeting is about 1 hour.

Meeting address​

Tencent Conference ID: 377 1555 2043

Weekly Meeting Report​

You can this document to leave the topics you want to discuss in advance

Topics for each session may be​

  • Discussion of some new feature requirements
  • Sharing of technical architecture design
  • Feedback on bugs
  • Experiences and pitfalls in using Apache Ingress Controller by yourself or your team
  • Testimonials or complaints about Apache Ingress Controller

Of course, you are also very welcome to give your opinions or contribute your ideas to the construction of the Apache community, if you have suggestions and ideas for the meeting, please feel free to issue and reply to it!

We welcome you to join us to discuss the Apache Ingress solution, and we welcome you to join the community of developers to build a better Apache Ingress Controller.

If you are interested in the technical direction of Apache , want to develop it together, or have other suggestions or comments, you can participate through the following channels: 1.

  1. subscribe and send an email to dev@.apache.org Participate in the community the Apache Way way by subscribing to the Subscription Guide. The mailing list is the most common way for the Apache community to communicate, and the community will actively respond to questions on the mailing list.

  2. Start a discussion in the Apache Github discussion The discussion area is very active. From time to time, we'll also include a summary of frequently asked questions in the discussion to make them easier to find.

Webinar| Apache Ingress Community Meeting

上一篇: Understanding the Significance of 3.4 as a Root in Mathematics
下一篇: Release Apache 3.2.2