Biweekly Report (Nov.15 - Nov.30)

admin 60 2025-01-16 编辑

Biweekly Report (Nov.15 - Nov.30)

From 11.15 to 11.30, 37 contributors submitted 87 commits for Apache . Thank you all for your contributions to Apache . It is your selfless contribution to make the Apache project better!


Apache has grown as a community from the first day of open source and has quickly become the most active open source API gateway project in the world. These achievements cannot be achieved without the joint efforts of our community partners.

"If you want to go fast, go alone.If you want to go far, go together." The Apache Community Weekly Report hopes to help community members better understand the weekly progress of the Apache community and and facilitate everyone to participate in the Apache community.

We have also compiled some issues suitable for newcomers to the community to participate in! If you are interested, don't miss it!

Contributor Statistics​

Good first issue​

Issue #5451​


Issue description:

Nginx comes with a response content replacement library that can replace partial content:

sub_filter '

There is a library that supports regular substitution (as I remember Openresty already supports it by default): ngx_http_substitutions_filter_module, which can replace content with regular expressions: ngx_http_substitutions_filter_module

However, it seems that 's response-rewrite plugin only supports full replacement, which is equivalent to directly replacing all responses with the return set by the plugin, and does not support partial content replacement:

Does this plugin support partial replacement or regular replacement? If not, is there any other solution for ?

Issue #5647​


Issue description:

The current documentation provides a way to install directly using RPM on CentOS7, but the current has switched its dependency to -base version without providing its RPM installation method, which will cause the installation to fail.

Is it possible to add the command for installing the RPM for -base.

Highlights of Recent Features​

The Apache project website and the Github issue have accumulated a wealth of documentation and experience, so if you encounter problems, you can read the documentation, search the issue with keywords, or participate in the discussion on the issue to put forward your own ideas and practical experience.

Recent Blog Recommendations​

  • Using Apache Ingress Gateway to access Custom Monitoring in KubeSphere:

    This article will take Apache Ingress Controller as an example to show you in detail how to quickly use different types of gateways and status monitoring for Kubernetes clusters through KubeSphere.

  • Contributer to Committer journey @Apache :

    In this article, Shivam Singh (@1502shivam-singh) gives a brief of his journey from starting out in the Apache community, from a contributor to an Apache member and committer. His journey can help other people looking to startup in the Apache community or Open Source in general.

  • Developing Ingress Controller with Nocalhost in Kubernetes:

    This article walks you through using Nocalhost to seamlessly connect your local development machine to a remote Kubernetes cluster, allowing you to use IDE to develop and debug Apache Ingress Controller. Giving you the ability to comfortably develop and debug your remote apps with your existing skills.

  • Apache embraces the WASM ecosystem:

    Support for WASM will be added in the upcoming Apache version (2.11.0)! By reading this article you will learn how Apache deploys the support and development of this feature from 0 to 1.

  • How to integrate with Dapr to build Apache Gateway Controller:

    This article will show you how to create an Apache controller by integrating Dapr, includes the concept of the project and the specific operation steps.

Biweekly Report (Nov.15 - Nov.30)

上一篇: Understanding the Significance of 3.4 as a Root in Mathematics
下一篇: API Gateway Practice in Tencent with