The side project fund is open!

admin 63 2025-01-03 编辑

The  side project fund is open!

The side project fund is once again open for applications! This is a call-out for side projects created out of sheer passion – with a splash of bloody-mindedness and determination. We want to award innovative change-makers and offer them the financial support to help push their business forward. 

Working on a tech side project? Read on!

What is the side project fund?

The side project fund is a micro-grant fund for people doing incredible things in our world. It could be a product, a service, a platform, or an event – as long as it fits our application criteria, we’d love to hear from you.

We’re not handing out cash (sorry), but when we get an application that impresses us, we’ll pay for something to move a project forward. It could be training, software, hosting, a venue – anything that will make a tangible impact, and to a maximum value of £500 so we can help as many side projects as possible.

What we’re looking for

  • A software project such as a product, platform, service, or event
  • Development to be underway (e.g. at least the first draft of the roadmap is available, or coding has started)
  • A solution to an identified problem
  • A project with a vision. It doesn’t need to be well-defined or well-written; we just want to see what your goals are

Plus points:

  • The product is heavily reliant on APIs or is an API
  • Your project is open source
  • There is already a minimum viable product

The story behind the side project fund

Years ago, began as a side project, the pipe dream of a frustrated engineer (now our CEO, Martin), which then expanded into a globe-spanning business. He wanted a performant, cheap, open source API gateway, but he couldn’t find what he was looking for. So he went ahead and built his own.

It’s how a lot of companies start. You can’t find what you want or need, so you make it yourself. At some point, you find yourself with a fully-fledged company, ordering coffee capsules and biros – but until then, it’s a self-generated, self-motivated side project.

However, pushing a side project forward comes with all sorts of challenges. It can be a lonely business, it can be hard to get feedback, and more than anything, it can be hard to afford the essentials you need to turn a good idea into a reality. 

We believe in the dynamism of engineers and techies who produce excellent products, improvements to existing ones, useful plug-ins/hacks, and put open data to good use. This kind of energy is changing the world! Moreover, we rely on our vibrant community to make better for everyone. This got us thinking; we should give a hand to people who share our attitude to help their projects flourish. And that’s how the side project fund was born.

Got a side project you need support on? Know someone who can benefit from this program? Check out this page for more details about the fund. Applications are open until the 30th of April, 2023!

The side project fund is open!

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