Weekly Report (Oct.15 - Oct.31)

admin 103 2025-01-10 编辑

Weekly Report (Oct.15 - Oct.31)

From 10.15 to 10.31, 31 contributors submitted 93 commits for Apache . Thank you all for your contributions to Apache . It is your selfless contribution to make the Apache project better!


Apache has grown as a community from the first day of open source and has quickly become the most active open source API gateway project in the world. These achievements cannot be achieved without the joint efforts of our community partners.

"If you want to go fast, go alone.If you want to go far, go together." The Apache Community Weekly Report hopes to help community members better understand the weekly progress of the Apache community and and facilitate everyone to participate in the Apache community.

We have also compiled some issues suitable for newcomers to the community to participate in! If you are interested, don't miss it!

Contributor Statistics​

Good first issue​

Issue #686​

Link: https://github.com/apache/-website/issues/686

Issue description: In order to speed up the loading speed of pictures/images on the Apache official website, we need to migrate all pictures/images to CDN.

Issue #5305​

Link: https://github.com/apache//issues/5305

Issue description:

Currently I has test the proxy-mirror plugin in , but I find that the feature of this plugin is different from the ngx_http_mirror_module in nginx. The mirror moudle of nginx can add the uri behind the host in "proxy_pass" directive, for example:

location / {mirror /mirror;proxy_pass http://backend;}location = /mirror {internal;proxy_pass http://test_backend$request_uri;}

But when I test the proxy-mirror plugin in dashboard, it prompts a message that the blank cannot be filled with URI. Will the proxy-mirror plugin be optimized to support the URI?

Issue #5342​

Link: https://github.com/apache//issues/5342

Issue description: Share limit counter between routes.

To do this, you need to specify the key of the route's corresponding limit-count in lrucache so that the same limit object is shared across multiple routes. lrucache keys (hereafter called groups to distinguish them from limit keys) are currently generated automatically, ensuring that each route's group is independent. For this change, we need to be able to specify the group in the limit-count.

"limit-count": {        "group": "group_id_blah"        "count": 2,        "time_window": 60,        "rejected_code": 503,        "key": "remote_addr"}

Note that the configuration of the same group needs to be the same, which currently needs to be guaranteed by the caller, otherwise the limit object obtained by the group will be different from the configuration.

Issue #5343​

Link: https://github.com/apache//issues/5343

Issue description: Add a request_body switch to the schema, and each body can be used by expr to decide whether to log or not. Without this switch, the body is not logged.

"kafka-logger": {   "broker_list":{       "":9092    },   "kafka_topic" : "test2",   "request_body": {       "expr": [          ["request_length", "<", "1024"],       ]   },   "key" : "key1",   "batch_max_size": 1,   "name": "kafka logger"}

expr can be evaluated by lua-resty-expr. request body can be fetched by core.request.get_body.

Highlights of Recent Features​

  • Ingress introduces custom resources of Route v2beta2 version, and discards the backend field(Contributor: tao12345666333)

  • Ingress upgraded the CRD resource version to v1 to better support K8s v1.22 and above(Contributor: tao12345666333)

  • Ingress adds documentation on how to use gRPC proxy(Contributor: gxthrj)

  • Dashboard supports proto management API(Contributor: bzp2010)

  • Dashboard supports transferring dashboard static resources as gzip(Contributor: nic-6443)

The Apache project website and the Github issue have accumulated a wealth of documentation and experience, so if you encounter problems, you can read the documentation, search the issue with keywords, or participate in the discussion on the issue to put forward your own ideas and practical experience.

Recent Blog Recommendations​

  • Apache Extensions Guide:

    This article provides an extension guide for Apache , aiming to provide users with some ideas for extending Apache .

  • From 0 to 1, How Ingress Has Grown and Gained Since Joining The Community:

    This article describes the growth of Ingress and the details of the enhancements and community help that Ingress has received since joining the community.

  • Tutorial: How to use Cert Manager to manage certificates in Apache Ingress Controller:

    This article shows how to create a certificate and pair it with Apache Ingress Controller via the Cert Manager.

Weekly Report (Oct.15 - Oct.31)

上一篇: Understanding the Significance of 3.4 as a Root in Mathematics
下一篇: Boosts Lenovo to Build Lightweight and Decentralized Gateway