
Understanding the 404 Not Found Error: Causes and Solutions

The digital realm is sprawling, and navigating through it involves a multitude of protocols and interactions. One of the common encounters on this journey is the “404 Not Found” error. Often a source of frustration for users and developers alike, understanding this error can lead to better web experiences and smoother API integrations. In this article, we delve into the intricacies of the “404 Not Found” error, examining its causes and providing solutions, particularly in the context of API calls, AWS API Gateway, Open Platforms, and how to manage API Exception Alerts.

What is a 404 Not Found Error?

A “404 Not Found” error is an HTTP status code that indicates that the server could not find the requested resource. This error typically occurs when a user tries to access a webpage that doesn’t exist on the server. It can result from a mistyped URL, a removed page, or a broken link.

Common Causes of 404 Errors

Mistyped URLs

One of the most frequent causes of a 404 error is simply mistyping the URL. This could be due to a user error, or it might be a hyperlink that was incorrectly coded.

Deleted or Moved Content

Web pages are often deleted or moved to another location. If the URL is not updated accordingly, it will lead to a 404 error.

Incorrect Links

Broken links, whether due to a change in URL structure or a copy-paste error, contribute significantly to the occurrence of 404 errors.

Server Configuration Issues

Sometimes, server misconfigurations can lead to pages being inaccessible. This can happen if the server’s .htaccess file has incorrect rules or if there’s a misconfiguration in the server’s DNS settings.

404 Errors in API Calls

When it comes to API calls, particularly with AWS API Gateway or Open Platforms, a 404 error can arise due to slightly different reasons.

Incorrect Endpoint

APIs require precise endpoint URLs. Any deviation from the correct path, whether a typo or an outdated URL, will result in a 404 error.

Changes in API Structure

APIs evolve, and their endpoints may change over time. If your call uses an outdated endpoint, it will return a 404 error.

Authentication Issues

Even though authentication issues typically result in a 401 or 403 error, misconfigured authentication can occasionally lead to a 404 error, particularly if the API is designed to expose minimal information to unauthenticated requests.

API Gateway Misconfiguration

For AWS API Gateway users, configuration errors such as incorrect mapping templates or resource policies can inadvertently lead to a 404 error.

Diagnosing and Fixing 404 Errors

Check the URL

The first step in troubleshooting a 404 error is to double-check the URL for any mistakes. Ensure that the path is correctly spelled and formatted.

Review Server Configuration

Examine the server’s configuration files for any incorrect directives that might be causing the error. Tools like Apache’s .htaccess or Nginx configuration files should be checked for errors.

Update Links

Ensure that all internal and external links are up-to-date and pointing to the correct URLs. Regular audits of your website’s hyperlinks can mitigate the risk of 404 errors due to broken links.

Use Redirects

Implementing 301 or 302 redirects can be a quick solution for handling moved content. This ensures that old URLs point to the new destination, maintaining a seamless user experience.

Monitoring API Calls

In the realm of APIs, especially when dealing with AWS API Gateway or Open Platforms, monitoring and logging are crucial. Below is a simple Python script using AWS SDK (boto3) for monitoring API call responses to catch 404 errors.

import boto3
import logging

# Configure logging
logger = logging.getLogger()

# Initialize AWS API Gateway client
client = boto3.client('apigateway')

def check_api_response(api_id, resource_id, http_method):
        response = client.get_method(
        )"API call successful: %s", response)
    except client.exceptions.NotFoundException:
        logger.error("404 Not Found: The resource or method does not exist.")
    except Exception as e:
        logger.error("An error occurred: %s", e)

# Example usage
check_api_response('your_api_id', 'your_resource_id', 'GET')

This script checks the existence of a method on AWS API Gateway and logs the result, alerting if a 404 error is encountered.

Utilizing API Exception Alerts

To proactively manage 404 errors in API calls, employing API Exception Alerts can be invaluable. These alerts notify developers of errors in real-time, allowing for swift rectification.

Setting Up Alerts

Most API management platforms and logging services offer built-in tools for setting up exception alerts. Here’s how you can configure these alerts using AWS CloudWatch:

  1. Log API Calls: Ensure all API calls are logged.
  2. Create a CloudWatch Alarm: Set an alarm for when a 404 error is logged.
  3. Configure Notifications: Use SNS (Simple Notification Service) to send alerts to your team.

Below is a sample configuration for a CloudWatch alarm:

  "AlarmName": "API_404_Error_Alarm",
  "MetricName": "4XXError",
  "Namespace": "AWS/ApiGateway",
  "Statistic": "Sum",
  "Period": 300,
  "EvaluationPeriods": 1,
  "Threshold": 1,
  "ComparisonOperator": "GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold",
  "AlarmActions": [
  "Dimensions": [
      "Name": "ApiName",
      "Value": "MyAPI"

This setup will trigger an alert whenever there is a spike in 404 errors, allowing developers to address the issue promptly.

APIPark is a high-performance AI gateway that allows you to securely access the most comprehensive LLM APIs globally on the APIPark platform, including OpenAI, Anthropic, Mistral, Llama2, Google Gemini, and more.Try APIPark now! 👇👇👇

Best Practices for Avoiding 404 Errors

Regular Audits

Conduct regular audits of your website and APIs to ensure that all links and endpoints are valid.

Maintain Updated Documentation

Keeping API documentation up-to-date ensures users and developers are accessing the correct endpoints and resources.

Implement Comprehensive Testing

Before deploying changes, ensure thorough testing is conducted to catch any potential 404 errors that could occur due to moved or deleted resources.

Use Error Pages Wisely

Custom 404 error pages can enhance user experience by providing helpful navigation options or search functionality, guiding users back to the main content.


Understanding the “404 Not Found” error, from its causes to its solutions, is crucial for maintaining a robust web presence and seamless API integrations. Whether you’re dealing with a simple webpage or a complex API ecosystem on AWS API Gateway or Open Platforms, diagnosing and resolving 404 errors swiftly can significantly enhance user satisfaction and system reliability. By adopting proactive measures such as monitoring, alerts, and regular audits, you can minimize the occurrence of these errors and ensure a smooth digital experience for all users.

🚀You can securely and efficiently call the Wenxin Yiyan API on APIPark in just two steps:

Step 1: Deploy the APIPark AI gateway in 5 minutes.

APIPark is developed based on Golang, offering strong product performance and low development and maintenance costs. You can deploy APIPark with a single command line.

curl -sSO; bash

APIPark Command Installation Process

In my experience, you can see the successful deployment interface within 5 to 10 minutes. Then, you can log in to APIPark using your account.

APIPark System Interface 01

Step 2: Call the Wenxin Yiyan API.

APIPark System Interface 02